I am impressed with how “in touch”
Google seems to be with our Common Core Standards. Only being familiar with
Power Point Presentation creation prior to this class, I knew very little about
Google Presentations before reading this chapter. To be honest it has been a
few years since I have even used Power Point. They say, “You don’t use it, you
lose it”. I was surprised to find that Google Presentations, Power Point, as
well as Key Note are all very similar.
A great quality that puts Google
Presentations in the spot light is the ability to share and work collaboratively.
It was surprising to learn that for each presentation created, Google develops
a web address/domain for the presentation. This makes incredibly convenient to work
together in presentation teams without having to exchange files through email
(back and forth) or via jump-drive downloads. If the proper settings are
established, the file can also be edited by multiple parties. For future lesson
planning purposes, this sharing feature could make collaboration with other
grade level teachers a breeze!
In terms of meeting Common Core
standards, Google Presentations allows students to incorporate multimedia into
their assignments via sounds, video, and other graphics. Google Presentations
also helps student transfer quantitative data into a number of different
easy-to-read charts. It also enables students to take information they have put
into words and display them visually.
Common Core is focused on preparing
students for their roles in their perspective colleges/careers. To be
successful in either/both tracks, one must master the ability to communicate
effectively. Presentations are just one form of communicating information with
others. Through practice of and proficiency in Google Presentations, students
are meeting standards that will help them to excel in the short term and the
long term future.
Click the following link to view my test drive of Google Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fnoUBwFfRLWANUCNlxD-eXz-mdQ9mDLfrXJIXvgANGM/edit?usp=sharing
Wonderfully well written!